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Released: 23-10-2015; Downloads: Scroll down!
Fruit'Y is heavily inspired by the Kaiko classic Gem'X, which has been seen on computers such as the Commodore Amiga 500, Commodore 64 and Atari ST.
Although tiger mum forbids little Sheran to play with edibles, there is simply no way to stop him from playing with fruits found inside the deep jungle. Being shiny, smelling wonderful and tasting even better Sheran can't be kept away. So let's do the best we could do: Support him!
The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to Sheran who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level. Sounds easy?!
Fruit'Y Trailer
Fruit'Y Soundtrack
Fruit'Y Features
- Hand set pixels!
- Amiga chiptunes!
- Score tracking!
- 120 levels!
Fruit'Y Screenshots
Fruit'Y Core Team
- Code: Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)
- Producer, Beta-Test, Levels: Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote)
- Graphics, Character Design: Krzysztof Matys (Koyot1222)
- Music: Johan Letfors (Vedder)
- Music: Roland Voss (Triace)
Fruit'Y Porting Team
- Windows (32-Bit), Linux (32-Bit/64-Bit), Wiz, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Classic Mini: Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)
- Amiga OS4, MorphOS, NetBSD 6 (x86/PPC): Frank Wille (phx)
- Dreamcast, Mac OS X: Xavier Vallejo (Indiket)
- GCW Zero, Dingoo A320 OpenDingux: Artur Rojek (zear)
- AROS: Yannick Erb (yannickescu)
- Wii, GameCube: Fabio Olimpieri (oibaf)
- TI Nspire CX: Bruno Marie (gameblabla)
- MotoMagX: Sergei Kolesnikov (Exl)
- Raspberry Pi: Manuel Alfayate (Vanafel)
- Symbian OS UIQ 3, Symbian OS Series 60, Android: Lars Persson (AnotherGuest)
- Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2: Gisberto Rondinella (nop90)
- BittBoy/PocketGo: Szymon Morawski (vamastah)
Fruit'Y Helping Hands
- Beta-Test, DVD Cover design, Trailer: Denny Müller (Mulle)
- DVD Cover graphics: Jan Jensen (Flarfy)
- ASCII: Antti Kiuru (H7)
Fruit'Y Downloads
Fruit'Y Legal
Fruit'Y for Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii are homebrew softwares and not endorsed or approved by Nintendo.
Fruit'Y for Sony PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PSP, Vita are homebrew softwares and not endorsed or approved by Sony.
Fruit'Y for Sega Dreamcast is homebrew software and not endorsed or approved by Sega.